archer services

Choosing Plants that Will Repel Mosquitos

Choosing Plants that Will Repel Mosquitos

The temperatures are rising in Texas, which means soon we will be inundated with mosquitos. Even if you keep your outdoor space free of stagnant water and beautifully manicured, these pests always seem to show up.  Luckily, some plants will be beautiful additions to...

Top Landscaping Tips for Summer

Top Landscaping Tips for Summer

Spring is upon us and soon the hot, sunny days of summer will be here.  The warmth of summer sees many of us spending more time in our outdoor spaces with friends and family.  Is your outdoor space ready for your enjoyment? Do you know how to prepare your landscaping...

Houston We Have a Problem: Our Plants Froze

Houston We Have a Problem: Our Plants Froze

Spring is here!  We are moving into one of the most beautiful seasons in the Houston area when we have warm temperatures during the day but we still cool off a bit at night.  The humidity hasn’t moved in full force yet, so it is truly a beautiful time to be outdoors! ...

Spring is Coming: Are You Ready to Landscape?

Spring is Coming: Are You Ready to Landscape?

While the cold days of winter are currently upon us, Spring will be here before we know it.  It is often in the hottest days of the summer that many homeowners start to think about landscaping.  While landscaping in the summer is definitely possible, in most instances...



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