Ornamental Trees for Your Houston Garden this Spring

Mar 15, 2024 | Articles, Blog

Ornamental Trees for Your Houston Garden this Spring

With spring fast approaching, many Houstonians are looking to breathe new life into their gardens. Along with the common necessities of springtime gardening are the addition of new plants and trees. With this comes confusion, and we understand how hard it can be to choose what to include in your personal oasis. So we turned to our CEO and founder Aaron Doud to offer his professional insight and help you discover some of his favorite ornamental trees for this spring of 2024.

Redbud Trees

Native to North America, eastern redbuds are gorgeous trees that can bring a beautiful pop of red to your landscape. Archer finds Rising Sun Redbuds to be a standout among the variety of redbuds available. Early in the spring, yellow flowers bloom brightly, with light purple flowers that blossom closer to the center. Through spring and into summer, these trees gradually turn green, making them a mesmerizing addition that you can add almost anywhere onto your landscape.

Chinese Fringe Trees

Hailing from the eastern hemisphere, the Chinese Fringe Tree is another noteworthy contender for your garden. These beautiful trees are marked by their profuse white flowers that grow in tandem with the vibrant green leaves, almost giving the appearance of snow on top of the leaves. Beginning to flower in early March, this tree will be covered with its profound hallmark white flowers within a month of flowering, making it a fantastic choice for early spring planting. Like the redbud, these trees can fit almost anywhere in your garden, with their height ranging from 15-30 feet, they are extremely manageable and are delightful to watch blossom through Spring and into Summer.

Contact Us

Are you looking to include one of these natural beauties into your lawn? Have questions about other ornamental trees and landscaping in early spring? Archer Lawn Services has been servicing the Houston area with its expertise in Landscape Construction since 2008, and that can include you too! Reach out to us with your questions by phone or by email below:

(281) 203-7615



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