Summer is almost here! Make your landscape stand out during the warm summer months with bright colors and eye-catching flora. At Archer Services, we have a selection of plants that will make your landscape be the envy of your neighborhood.

People grow begonias for their showy flowers and colorful leaves. Begonias earn their reputation as an easy-to-grow plant that brings color to the garden from spring to fall. Depending on the variety, they will grow in shade, partial shade, or full sun. They grow best in a rich, well-drained soil. They require little or now pruning and do well both in-ground and in pots.

Caladiums are a fantastic selection for foliage in your landscape and a garden staple in the Houston area. Boasting an impressive array of colors, these plants sit fantastically in larger arrangements of flowers, diversifying the look of your garden with their beautiful appearance. There are varieties of Caladiums that grow in either shade or bright sun. They do well in both gardens and pots. Be sure to choose the right ones for your location.

Native to Mexico and South America, Angelonia are a beautiful fragrant flower that comes in a large variety of colors. You may also know them as Summer Snapdragon or Angel Flower. They offer a lot of advantages for Houston-area gardens, being able to tolerate our heat and humidity, but are also drought tolerant. Angelonia also have an excellent reputation for being deer and rabbit resistant, while also attracting pollinators. They bloom continuously throughout summer and into early fall. Their upright growth habit will add height and structure to your garden.

Blue Daze
The Blue Daze, another sun-loving plant, earns its reputation for its bright blue flowers and its ability to thrive in the Texas heat. People sometimes refer to this plant by the common names Shaggy Dwarf Morning-Glory or Hawaiian Blue Eyes. They love bright sunlight and do well in a wide variety of soils, so they are easy to grow. When given a good fertilizing regimen, they are prolific bloomers throughout the summer months.

Colloquially called periwinkles, these African plants are a staple in Southern gardens for their tolerance of heat and drought. Even better, they aren’t picky about soil, so long as they have good drainage. They come in a bright array of purples, whites, pinks, and magentas.Vincas are a classic to include within your garden and look best when planted in clusters where their vibrance can truly shine.

Pentas are another sun-loving and heat tolerant summer favorite. Like all the other plants on this list, they thrive in semi-arid environments and are very tolerant of heat. Plant pentas in late spring in a site that receives full sun and has well-drained soil. Their clusters of small, bright flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. Thanks to their low maintenance nature, Pentas are just another fantastic selection for summer annuals in your garden.