So, you’re thinking about your yard and know it needs improvements. But when it comes to landscape projects, you have no idea where or how to begin. Before interviewing contractors, figure out the basics. Proceed with what you learned in school about writing...
According to Insurance Bee, the U.S. has over 500,000 landscaping businesses. This is an increase of 5.5% from 2021. This increase shows that more and more people are are looking for professional help to get the best care for their lawns. Landscape designers are...
From the front yard to the back, the lawn is nature that every homeowner should take care of. Regular landscaping is essential to tend the needs of a lawn. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time nor desire to maintain their lawn. So why not look for local...
Residents looking for backyard ideas in Texas need to look no further. Archer Services in Texas has the green touch that every lawn needs to stand out. While the front yard is responsible for giving first impressions of the home, the backyard is more like a sanctuary....
June 5, 2020 is World Environment Day! If you are new to World Environment Day, you should know it takes place every year on June 5. This year it is being hosted by Colombia with a focus on biodiversity. It is a day that has been observed since 1974, and over the...
April is National Lawn and Garden Month! This is a great time to really focus in on how you can beautify your lawn and garden as well as the green spaces around your home. Many people use this as a month to focus on their own garden or lawn and others use it as an...
If you take pride in your lawn and garden, you know the satisfaction of looking out over a freshly manicured yard with not a weed in sight! But, did you know that some of our favorite and most well-known plants are technically weeds? That’s right! The plants you...
Lantana is one of the most common perennial flowers in the Houston area for many reasons. Houston climate is hot enough! It practically thrives on neglect. The don’t need much water. It blooms constantly through warm weather with a variety of colorful choices for...
Impatiens are the most popular annual flowers for shade to partial shade. These light and bright annuals are pretty easy to care for and will flower profusely from late spring until late fall. They do have a few particulars about their growing especially when grown...
Heliotrope may sounds like familiar annual flowers, but how much do you really know about it? It is not nearly as common as some of the big names like Vinca or Pentas. Hopefully passing along some information about the Heliotrope flower will increase its popularity....